menü kapat


Club first lady neden cfl

  • You will be assisted by an experienced and academic team. You will exercise with technologic and user friendly equipment.
    You will be able to watch TV or children room via your private monitor while you are exercising.
    In accordance with bioimpedance measurement and posture analysis and the exercise program that was created individually for you in line with your body type, physical reaction and tempo, you will get in a better shape and stay healthy and fit.
    You can participate in a group fitness class you like. You can make exercising more fun. You can peacefully get service at a facility where women are tended to by women.
    You can exercise in a facility which can please even the most rigorous person regarding hygiene.
    You can eliminate the day’s stress and the fatigue of exercising in the aqua rooms such as sauna, steam room and swimming pool.
    You do not need to carry around the locker key as you can lock your locker with your electronically assigned password.
    You can use our complimentary personal care products such as shampoo, body lotion, moisturizing, deodorant and hair gel.
    News and updates regarding our facilities will be delivered to you via e-mail and SMS.
    You can find the right membership for you among our many layered membership options. This way, exercising at a distinguished and technologic club will not put a strain on your budget.
    Our open parking lot is available for your use.
    Your guests can also share this experience with you…